
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

RC2017/04 is coming!

The next RetroChallenge event (RC2017/04) is coming soon -- it will be here this Saturday! Do you know where your soldering iron is? Perhaps next to your floppy disks -- don't get burned!

I think we are up to 16 entrants so far, and I hope to see a few more. Often we get a few stragglers after the start of the event -- I'd like to discourage that, but I'm pretty soft about letting them in late anyway... :-)

Anyway, a late entry is time lost for participation. The whole point of RetroChallenge is to have an excuse for spending time on your goofy hobby, so don't delay -- get those entries in ASAP.

Remember, it's RetroChallenge -- the only losing move is not to play!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

RC2017/04 announcement of prizes available

April will be here in less than two weeks, and with it will come the RC2017/04 event -- who else is excited! We do have a few entries already announced, so what are you waiting for? Send your entry to me ASAP!

Prizes Available

We do have a few prizes available for this round of the RetroChallenge competition. In no particular order, lets list them out:

  • Bounty Box: 8-bit pixelated sunglasses, a copy of The Soul of a New Machine (1981) in genuine dead-tree format, and and a pack of Sugru pliable epoxy repair putty (donated by Mike Spooner)
  • a copy of Terrible Nerd, signed paper book or kindle (donated by Kevin Savetz)
  • a signed/autographed Floppy Days T-shirt? Or any sort of Floppy Days item that can be purchased from VistaPrint (donated by Randy Kindig)
  • a copy of the Original Gamer Stevie Strow CoCoFEST 25th Anniversary Edition CoCo Game Play Videos DVD (donated by Steve Strowbridge)

That's a pretty good list, but I'll also keep an eye out for any item from my own collection that seems particularly suitable for a particularly good or inspiring entry. Of course, anyone else that has a prize to donate is still welcome to do so as well!

Enter To Win

We already have six entrants for RC2017/04, but we could certainly enjoy having several more! Be sure to review the rules and then send me your entry as described in an earlier post. I'll be waiting to hear from you!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

RC2017/04 -- Open for Entrants!

OK...I still haven't got all the DNS stuff straightened-out to get pointed to the new Blogger site, but the show must go on! Just use for now and hopefully the more usual addresses will get sorted eventually.

Enter Now

If you plan to join us in the RC2017/04 competition, now is the time to make yourself known. Feel free to refer to our new "RetroChallenge Rules" page for reminders, but the basics are "do something interesting with an old computer, and blog about it for month". Whatever you are going to do, please send me an email describing:
  1. Your name (or alias);
  2. Your Twitter handle (if applicable);
  3. Your blog location (for project updates); and
  4. A brief synopsis of your project.
I hope that I can master Blogger well enough to produce an entrants list that looks a bit like the one from RC2016/10, so use that as a guide for the level of information needed. Please send the information request above to me via email to linville at tuxdriver dot com -- figuring-out how to decode that address is your first test...

Go, Go, Go!

Well, then, that's all for now -- less than three weeks until the start of the competition! I know that we have a few cool prize donations promised so far, and I still mean to put-up something of my own as well. One more decision to make! Anyway, get your entry to me, order your parts, and make any necessary preparations. April will soon be here!