
Friday, February 14, 2025

Judging Updates and VCF SoCal

A few updates:

urbancamo and I got our act together and judged the RC2014 category pretty quickly after the event to meet semach.the.monkey's publishing deadline for the November RC2014 newsletter. So to make it officially official:

Congratulations to Robert Price for his RC2014 rotary encoder entry! His blog is a great resource for anyone looking to integrate a rotary encoder in an electronics project. Robert has won a Classic II and a set of PCBs that started off semach.the.monkey's journey into homebuilt Z80 madness!

shieladixon and Olav are also RC2024 prize winners for their entries! We will get the retrochallenge prizes to them shortly.

Unfortunately, our work and play schedules haven't allowed us to sync up and finish the rest of the judging, but I promise, it will be before 2025 starts... oh, wait... well, real soon then.

In the meantime, I will be at VCF SoCal with some giveaways for retrochallengers. If you are going, let us know in the comments! I will make sure to find you. I will also have a bunch of 5.25" floppy disks for sale in the consignment area. Proceeds go to RC2015 prizes!

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